Comedy Review
421: Siring Rats
Stop Press (good bits in this episode):
Marcus cops it... okay this is tragic actually...
Nurse on critically-ill Ivanova (not literally): "Is she
Doctor: "After a fashion."
Marcus to Ivanova:"I love you."
"Jurasik park..." - Why the heck did I write this
comment? It was so long ago since I saw this episode... Probably
something to do with Peter Jurasik (Londo)...
"God has an English accent..." says Ivanova. This
implies: Marcus is God.
Which is of course true.
CC gives the performance of her life. "At least I should
have boffed him at least once..."
But of course the terminology in England actually means something
completely different, as in the Oxford English Dictionary:
"boff, frank. n. cocaine-addled ex-TV presenter..."
I think she means 'Shag', but why on Earth she would let Marcus
use her as a rug is beyond me...
Vir talks to Londo.
Sheridan talks to Bester.
Bester's frozen girlfriend's okay, wasn't killed in the battle.
Their 'song': "You're as cold as ice..."
So, Earth is saved. So naturally, some people in high places
aren't too pleased. "Better no planet than 'anarchy'"
seems to be the Earthforce slogan.
The prezzy pops in to see Sherry.
"I vill zay zis only vonce..." she whispers
secretively, "It iz imperative zat you resign,
Sheridan nods.
"I resign. Now, where did I leave that 'Happy Stars Mars
Retirement Home' brochure? Funny, I could have sworn it
She holds up the document in question and laughs, an enigmatic
"Here? Ha, Mr.Sherry, you are not going anywhere. You will
be retired. You shall not leave this room alive. The keeper on my
back will see to that."
"Aargh." intones Sherry, "I shall use my karate
skills to deflect your every move."
She laughs.
"Only kidding. Resignation accepted."
The new prezzy's a real looker - but why?? When was the last time
you saw a president looking like that? Excusing Ronald Reagan, of
Gary is trying to find his trillionaire ex-girlfriend... But
if only it were as simple as placing an ad in the lonely hearts
"'Folically challenged' (ie bald) 'sanity challenged'
(insane) 'leanly challenged' (on the chubby side), 'financially
challenged' (ie broke),
tallish Bruce Willis lookalike seeks beautiful love goddess with
the same annual income as Switzerland. Reply to box
So, over-high expectations, perhaps?
This approach doesn't work, so he tries the age-old tactic of
trying to make her laugh. He does this by killing some innocent
blokes with a cartoon-like bomb. Perhaps Lize owns Acme
Yabba-Abbadee - thats all folks - you know when youve been
Garibaldi'd... you can tell by Mr.Fat burly bloke coming through
the door, punches a-flying...
Next in this episode, we find that after all the trauma and
excitement, Delenn's back to normal - talking b***ocks and being
over-secretive as usual.
Thought for the day: Perhaps saving Ivanova's life will bring her
career back?
Next, Lenor's got the hots for Delenn... she talks some
garbage about unrequited love not being requited and Lenor looks
a bit sad... aaahh...
By golly and gumdrop(s) Sheridan won't be pleased!! He's getting
married, doesn't want Lenor getting in the way. Still, suppose
there's always Delenn's 'Hen' night to 'make amends' to Lenor.
Assuming that doesn't involve any strange rituals...
Sherry is finally on TV for the first time in ages, but of more
import: Of the dignitaries who have gathered to hear him talk, is
that Dr.Kyle in the audience?
As for the speech, Nice speech, but Sherry don't get no standing
When Sheridan has finished his speech, it's Delenn's turn. Lo and
behold, she has a voice like Clint Eastwood!!
"Gnng... we are gathered here to listen to Sheridan
talking... Now, are you feeling lucky?? Do you think there are
any secret alien species in this Galaxy? Feeling lucky, punks?
Well, there's the Rangers... Ha! They'll kick your ass without
even lifting a finger..."
Garibaldi, for some reason, stands up in the audience, confused.
"Er... I've seen the cartoon 'Yogi Bear'... If one Ranger is
hopeless against a bear and his nephew, what good are a bunch of
them going to be against massed evil?"
Delenn stares at him in embarassment and shuffles the papers in
front of her.
"Er, good point, Mr.Gariballllldi. In this instance, we have
Officer Dibble, Dastardly & Muttley, Tom (of Tom & Jerry)
and Daffy Duck working on a solution. So now we're changing the
name from 'The Rangers' to 'The Cartoons', an elite squad of
bumbling cartoon bad guys. Does that answer your question?"
Garibaldi smiles happily.
"Oh yes. Considering this 'elite squad' will be copyright of
Acme Industries, I will soon be a rich man, what with 'Ranger'
merchandising and all. And the Earth will be safe once again from
the tyranny of the Shadows and the Drawn-on's..."
Sheridan asks a friend: 'How's mum?'
Friend says: 'They never found her - she's with friends in
Stands to reason... Who the heck goes to Minneapolis? ;-P
So, verdict for this episode? Well, it's the last *real*
episode for now, and so gets my 85% for all-round okay-ness.
Now, where did I leave that small mountain of brown dust... Oh,
there it issss. Arggh!! The computer's tuurned into a gigantic
cockroach and it's telling me to do insane things...
Still, anything's better than using Windows 95...