Some Kosh
Imagine the scene...
'FREEZE EVERYBODY THIS IS A ROBBERY, nobody move and no one'll
get hurt. Okay up against the wall, evryone put your hands
up....oh we've got a wise guy eh, what makes you so different
pal, stick em up! Whadda ya mean 'Your hands have always been
there'??? waste 'em Vinny'
or perhaps
'Oh no I'm being mugged. Ha you may have a knife but there's two of us, eh Kosh! Kosh? *kssshskkkshh*
'Okay Kosh, come of your line, narrow the angle...'
'Right I'm just going to DIY the, Kosh..could you hold the ladder for me? Whadda ya mean it's always been there? Just hold the damn thing will you?'
'Go on Kosh, have a go, jugglings like riding a bike, you never forget how. Oh, you can't ride a bike either.'
'Kosh, I've lost my car keys, have you seen them. Oh goody, if you've always seen them where are they? '