Babylon5 Puns
Here are some of the best puns that have been posted to the Newsgroup.
- Babylon 5 - the Bester show, without a Shadow of a doubt, and things can only get
Netter. It was a Christian program, but Vir all supprised that the star stormed out in a
star fury. That was the worst shock in a Vorlong time and its Morden we can stand. We're
glad we still have Peter Jurasic Park, for he's a Mollari good fellow.
- You've discovered an anti-gavity device, Bruce? A box lightener?
- "Dreadlock Holiday"
Zathrastafarian on vocals
Zathrastafarian on keyboards
8 more Zathrastafarians on backing vocals.
- Jeffrey Sinclair to Michael Garibaldi:
"Hello old friend. It is a long time since we talked.
There is something missing, Michael... Oh! Hair!"
"When we were both stationed on Mars, in the old days, your hair was
wavy. Now it has waved goodbye! What shade of grey have you dyed it, apart from that which
is missing? Grey 17?"