Vir's language
guides: Boffing
Vir Makes things Simple : Boffing (a language guide)
"Boff" is a strange word, it is common to all
languages, I list but a few here.
Narn Encycolopedia of Knowledge and Spelling
Boff (adj)
To sing, to sing with i.e. G'marcus boffed very well with
G'ivanova last night, we could hear it in the next room.
Mimbari Book of Monosylabic Mysteries
Boff (noun)
To describe someone as good looking and sexy i.e. Delmarcus to
Thivanova "You are looking extremely boff tonight"
Boffing (adj)
To describe how good someone is walking down a street for
example. i.e. Delmarcus to Thinvanova "You looked
particurarly boffing comming down the street tonight"
Collin and Georges Dictonary of doubtlful Spellings (Human)
Boff (adj), Boffing (adj) : to be boffed, to have had boff (noun)
Old english phrase referring to the manipulation of anothers
seceret and personal organs to their mutual satisfaction and so
causing pleasure to those involved and giving them respectful
feelings of joy and satsifaction and long lasting love and
respect that will stay with them until old age and sometimes
© 1997 Steevie