Falling Down on
It's a difficult time
No reason or rhyme
Valen's prophecies foretold
That when the nine have been split
The fan will get hit
Strand the religious in the cold
And you'll be sad to learn
That our cities burn
From their insurrection
No Minbari kill
And that is true still
But they've found an exception
Falling down on Minbari, Delenn
Falling down on Minbari
Our homes they blast
The warrior caste
Falling down on Minbari
We need your help,
Impertinent whelp
That we all just dissed last year
But if you'll be our savior
We will change our behavior
We will even praise your neat hair
Just give us a token
Tell us why you have spoken
With that nasty guy, Neroon?
Remember your class
Delenn, please save our asses
Better make it soon
So we tried
Some mass suicide
Her motives weren't clear
We're mistaken
But he saved our bacon
That meddling Lennier
Our most cherished ways
How we live our days
Are falling down upon us
But what can we do
We're asking of you
We're too religious to cuss
Lyrics by Arthur Levesque -- bs@boog.org
-- http://boog.org
Inspired by Laurie Skutell -- laurie@Capital.Net
(To the tune of "Rolling Down to Old Maui", author